Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ode to Youth

An Open Letter

To people of my generation,

What is a country without a leader?

The streets wouldn't be as peaceful as they were. Bombs would volley from side to side while people battle with each other. It would be a total chaos -- with people greedy to get what they want, to dominate over others, and to get eternal power.

A leader is an essential part of a society. With him, everything would be regulated. He shall impose which should and should not be done. He shall have this power to take the lead among his people. He shall start setting the standards of the society.

Thus, leadership is power. It might be seemingly difficult to get your eyes off it. It would surely glisten in the eyes of many. It might create greed in the hearts of those thirsty of power. Indeed, leadership, essential as it is, is a delicate material to man.

This makes 2010 a crucial portion of Philippines long undone history. By such year, the country will choose a leader. The people will choose who is rightful with such a fragile position. We shall choose who is human enough not to be blinded by the false shining power. We shall choose who is immune to greed and the privileges in power. At the height of early indirect campaigns by politicians -- from exhibiting their pasts and how they endured them, thus making them a good leader, that is, for them, to early promises of change for the good of many -- the pool of choices really is something worth thinking for.

With such critical choice to be made, 2010 is more than crucial.

My young fellow, this is for you.

The youth populace, by percentage, is something a presidentiable would not and should not care less. Covering a large percentage in the total voting population in the country, if the youth, as whole, would vote one person, he would definitely be the next president. Thus, your vote is important.

With such power as leadership, we must use an equally essential power -- our power to vote.

What will the country be without your vote? You might think that your vote is just a count to the votes og the whole country. But then, if every young one would think that way, the elections might as well lose a vital population which is needed to determine the next leader. Besides, is may be just one vote, but in the long run, believe me or not, it'll make a change. Nothing is even dead hard in going in the nearest COMELEC office to register. The registration isn't even as hard as school exams. All you have to do is to fill up the form, pose for a snap shot, and sign as if signing an autograph for a fan. Nothing is really hard about the whole process. Spare a few time and energy for doing it. It would help the nation for sure.

The country is but a piece of cloth deteriorating with dirt and fungus. Be a detergent that could clean our filthy piece of land. We will be the ones wearing it anyway.

In fairness to the youth nowadays, not all are passive by nature. Many are becoming pro-active. The social awareness sleeping in the abyss of the minds of many have woke up to start spreading action. You may see your classmates shouting their laments at the streets with placards and all, or your friends being part of publications, social oraganizations and movements toward a better country. To some, these actions are a waste of time -- time which should have been alloted to studying. To others, these are a good sign of the youth's role in nation building. Speculations may vary, but at least, actions are done.

They are doing their part, are you doing yours?

I am not appealing that you go out the streets and join rallies you dont even understand, nor am I asking you volunteer in movements which you don't even give the slightest attention. All you should do is to vote. It is a big role already, bigger than you can imagine.

If I have convinced you to register and to vote, then it doesn't end there. It's not just voting, it's voting wisely.

No one but God knows who the rightful candidate is. In the voting process, we are like blindfolded while walking along a hallway. We may hear sounds, promises and advertisements; we may see through our blindfolds images of these people who dare to lead, but we can never see the reality in their aims. Whatever thaey say now may change tomorrow. Choosing more that voting is a hard task. I myself am having a hard time selecting my bet.

Just choose what and who is right. Choose what you believe is right. Follow your heart's desire. Don't just pinpoint by random. Mini-mini mini-mow's are not applicable.

Observe. Speculate. See through their intentions. Think.

What the future generation would be lies to us. What the country would become would depend upon our choices. Don't fail our dying Motherland. Don't let the future falter.

Lead tomorrow's race. Vote wisely.

Cheeno Sayuno
Registered Voter

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