Friday, July 10, 2009

Against the Current

On how to deal with Online Journalism

What would you feel if someone takes the job of your lifetime?

I was on my way to the office when I suddenly felt that something is really odd about today. Well, it must have been just the skin-burning rage of the sun which I felt when I rode off my Porsche to walk to the building, so I didn’t mind much about it. When I went out of the elevator, however, the strange feeling grew more when I didn’t see Manong Baltar arranging the newspapers for release in the Circulation Department. He usually greets and offers me coffee. Moreover, there were no huge piles of newspapers taken in and out of the area. The long table where they were usually stacked was dead empty.

Bearing such a question, I walked half-running to my office. Jemima, my secretary wasn’t there. Her computer was open, so I calmed myself and thought that she’s just in the powder room. I glanced at the cubicles were my writers do early morning chitchats while getting ready for the days work – they were empty as well.

I rummaged my pocket for my phone and was about to call when I heard a sound as if someone is typing. It was a breather, therefore someone was there. The keyboard clicks grew louder, and from my peripheral vision, I realized that every keyboard in the office was producing that sound. I was dumbfounded – the keyboards were typing on their own.

I wanted to run, but the walls started becoming digitally enhanced as the floor was. My vision turned blurry with such a sight and the next thing I knew, I was entangled with wires I could break. I sighed in defeat. Computers have invaded my publication.

Computers made innovations in the lives of people over the years. It was as if these electronic gadgets aided man in its quest for survival. Not only have computers helped man’s daily tasks such as writing, communicating, computing and like, but they have also given humans the source of entertainment none of us could ever resist. The whole scenario made computers the bloodline of the modern society.

The Mass Media community has also considered computer and the internet useful as well. If before they just used this for typing and lay-outing articles, for communicating with colleagues and possible resources for news, and as a search engine for backgrounders and reference materials, many, if not all, have now ventured to the internet as their output for playing their role in the society – as the mouthpiece and earpiece of the people. With this, the internet has taken journalism by storm since, nowadays, news is just a mouse-click away.

Expressive as we all are, even common people use computer as an instrument for expression. From the simplest posting of shoutouts and twits to full-length blogs and websites, the internet has given us a good environment for expressing our thoughts, sharing our viewpoints, and telling others whatever we want them to know. Aiming for expression, which happened to be journalism’s aim too, made every internet-affiliated person become a journalist in his/her own special way.

Online journalism, I may say, is journalism.

Journalism, which is basically the aggregating, writing, editing, and presenting of news or news articles for widespread distribution, happens to be incorporated both in your usual dailies served before the breakfast table and in the websites you see in your computer screen. As long as the journalism’s role in the society is being practiced, it is considerably Journalism despite the medium used in, say, informing, persuading or expressing views.

Not all, however, could be journalists at an instant. Not everyone who uses the internet can be branded an online journalist. You see, journalism is not all about expressing alone. To be a journalist means giving out what the people needs to know, telling the world the truth about issues which could affect them, providing unbiased facts about prominent topics, expressing viewpoints while weighing both sides, and selflessly writing for those thirsty for real information. Remember, freedom of expression is more of a human right than a sole requirement to get journalist as title. So before thinking if you’re an online journalist or not, give your online posts a second look. You’ll find the answer there.

Thus, we don’t need journalism majors if anyone, as long as the halo is there, can be a journalist.

No, hell no. We, journalism majors, are still but essential. Who shall spread the ethics of journalism if there would be no one specializing the field? Who shall lead the others in becoming journalists? Who shall spread the words that will make difference in our race? These, and more, shall be up to those who studied journalism.

Studying journalism is still important simply because while everyone could be journalists, only a few could lead everyone else to the right path. The guidelines toward proper journalism would not be imparted to the people if there won’t be journalism majors who could be examples on how to do it the right way. It is our duty, then, to stand and help those who are helping to spread the news.

Like what the computers are originally made for, online journalism gives an easier medium to disseminate the news and to express the views. Let us then not forget that this is only an alternative and an aid to other forms of mass media. Let us not favor one over another. Let us not make these media compete. Instead, let us all use one for, and not against, the other. And of course, never ever use media, including the internet for something not journalistic by nature, whether or not you aim for an journalist status.

It seems as if online journalism is against the flow of journalism, but it’s not. It depends on the people using it. Don’t be against the current. Go with the flow of reaching the goal of truth and service.

I woke up with the realization that computers won’t kill my newspaper. Instead, it actually opened another window in informing the public. It’s up to me to take the lead.

Go spread the news.

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